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Showing posts from May 21, 2010

Jay Hears a Song # 12 --Total Eclipse of the Heart

A few weeks ago on Glee *, they sang "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. The song, which came out in the 80s, is currently undergoing a bit of a renaissance** as it should, because it is an awesome song. It's one of those major ballads, full of drama and melodrama,*** that goes on forever and that you can't help but sing along to. It's a classic song, one that never fails to make you feel better when you hear it. "But, Jay," you might be saying, "I agree that 'Total Eclipse' is a good song, but five versions? Why would you need five ?" Well, anonymous reader, here's why: 1. First, you need the classic version by Bonnie Tyler. Yes, it's cheesy, and yes, it's long, but there's a reason why this version of the song was a huge hit and that reason is Bonnie Tyler.****, ***** 2. And then, of course, you need the dance remix version sung by Nikki French, which is superior to most other remix versions, because Fre...