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Showing posts from January 6, 2010

Workin' On It Wednesday #40 -- On Music

All of my books or stories have always had soundtracks. Always. Even when I was a kid, writing fan fiction about my favorite band (although we didn't have the Internet back then, so I didn't know that's what I was doing*), my stories were all associated with specific songs or albums. And when I write my own stuff (that is, not fan fiction), I make my own soundtracks.** But the funny thing is, I can't listen to music when I write. It distracts me. Even classical music. I'm not one of those people who has to have absolute quiet when I write--noise in general doesn't bother me. I can write in a Starbucks***, in a classroom, in the middle of an airport with those stupid baggage announcements every five seconds, but I cannot have music on for myself. Perhaps it's because I really enjoy my music and listen to it closely.**** So when it's on, especially if a favorite song of mine comes on the iPod, I have to pause and listen. Or when a song doesn'...