1. Dear LSAT students: When you come to take a diagnostic test you should probably bring (a) your diagnostic test book and (b) a pencil. This is not junior high, people. You want to be lawyers; get it together. 2. That's enough, Nickleback.* 3. You know that post I wrote about that Our Lady Peace song that was so awful? Yeah, guess what's on repeat on my iPod right now? I can't help it! It makes me laugh every time I hear it. Congratulations, Our Lady Peace, you have successfully got me to spend my money on you. I'm not sure if it's a sustainable business model, but you gotta work with what you've got, I suppose.** 4. I'm experiencing a sort of writing high point at the moment. That's why I missed all my updates last week, because every time I sat down at my computer I had a billion other story-related things I wanted to do first. It's so exciting when things start happening in a story. ~~~ *This is from a meme that's going around F...
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