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Showing posts from September 18, 2007

Jay Writes a Sequel! (Maybe. Eventually.)

I've been working on the project I'm focused on right now for about a year and a half (which includes time taken out for my job(s), a relationship, walking my dog, sleeping, all that good stuff). It's an old idea that was born when I was in high school (someday I'll tell you that story), but never really came to much until I started working on this draft. Anyway, I've always loved all the characters, and the setting, and I've always thought that there should be a sequel to the story, although I've always been hazy on what, exactly, that sequel would look like. I think I've a got a little case of that Author Crush on her characters, so I didn't want this to be the end. So, from time to time, I've had ideas for scenes that I liked, but they never really hung together because I never had a plot to hang them on. Then, this weekend, while I was proctoring an LSAT practice test for my students, it hit me. I was working out a problem relating to my ...