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Showing posts from May 19, 2007

EEE! New project!

I went to a Morrissey concert a few nights ago and had, in the middle of the concert, an idea for a new book! Obviously, I can't talk too much about it because it's (a) super new and (b) it's not a good idea to talk about your ideas in a public forum like this, but I'm very excited about it! I've been wondering, now that I'm in the later revisions of my current book, what I will work on while I'm querying that one, and now I know! Okay, sorry. I normally don't use that many exclamation points. ::deep breath:: Of course, the temptation is to abandon the first project and leap right into the second, but I'm pretty disciplined about not doing that sort of thing. I'm writing down the flashes of insight I have about the new project when I have them, but other than that, I'm just letting it simmer in the back of my mind and not forcing it. That's how I handle new projects or projects that are stalled. I just put them in the back of my m...