It is a truth universally acknowledged that all chicks love Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and that is because P&P is a f***ing awesome book. Many people dismiss P&P as a "romance" novel, which it is, insofar as there is a romance in it, or a comedy, which it is insofar as there are some funny parts, but I prefer to think of it as just a Really Good Book, one that you can read over and over again, because the characters feel very real and relatable, which is not, I should point out, the same thing as "likeable" because, as you know, I do not believe in "likable" as an asset. Wow. That is a very long sentence. Anyway, even though none of my seven intrepid blog readers don't know the plot of P&P, it's basically this: -girl meets boy -girl thinks boy is a snob (which he is ) -boy thinks girl is beneath him socially (which she is ) and also may be a bit of a money grubber (which she is not --that's just her mother) -boy starts t...
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