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Showing posts from October 9, 2009

Too Big To Fail: Or The George Lucas Problem

Over at Editor Unleashed, Maria Schneider has a post on whether editing is "worth it." I'm not sure what she means, exactly, by "worth it," but in the post she mentions two authors--Stephenie Meyer and Laurell K. Hamilton--who have been accused of not experiencing enough of the editor's pen. Regarding Hamilton, Schneider says: I once interviewed another celebrity author, Laurell K. Hamilton , who writes the popular Anita Blake series. She said that once you become successful as an author, your editor stops editing you. And that’s why we see so many series books running 600 pages and up. Is this true? I have no idea. But there are some authors who don't seem to be working with a good editor now that they have become successful.* I call this the George Lucas problem. Once upon a time, see, there was this junior filmmaker named George Lucas. And he made this film that everyone thought was going to be a huge flop only the film was Star Wars and wasn't ...