I saw War of the Worlds - the Tom Cruise/ Steven Spielberg version - in the theatre when it first came out (this was before Tom Cruise became a total negative for me). It's on television tonight, and seeing it again reminded me of my original opinion of it, which is this: WOTW would have been an awesome and terrifying movie, except that it was made by Steven Spielberg. I've thought for a while now that Steven Spielberg is at war with himself. Although I'm no film conniesuer (or speller of conniesuer), I think it started with (or resurfaced as a result of) Schindler's List. I'm totally speculating and making stuff up, but I think that once Spielberg became aware of the larger things he could do with film and the larger darkness that exists at the heart of humanity as a result of Schindler's List, he became a filmmaker divided against himself. And there is no where that division is clearer than in WOTW. The first side of Spielberg is the side we all know and l...
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