Train is one of those bands that I forget about until they release some song that I just love, which I then play to death until I'm sick of it and stop playing it and then I forget about them until the next time. I don't know why they are one of those bands, but they are. Like, I loved "Calling All Angels" and I loved "Drops of Jupiter" and I loved "Meet Virginia"*, but I have never purchased a Train album. Odd. But anyway, the thing I originally liked about their latest single "Hey, Soul Sister" was the easy feeling it had about it. It's a goodtime song, almost a summer song, which the world needs more of in the middle of January, frankly. But then I started listening to the lyrics and realized several things: 1. there is a shout out to Mr. Mister in the chorus.** If you don't know who Mr. Mister is, this will help: 2. Although the evidence is not as strong as in the Mr. Mister instance, I'm pretty sure that there are sho...
Jay Montville's Blog