1. To the girl who hit my car and then drove off: If you think that I did not get your license plate number and drive immediately to the police station and file a report against you, you are mistaken.* Had you stopped, we could have exchanged insurance information and called it a minor inconvenience--stuff happens, you know? Since you didn't, you've won the Grand Prize: A first degree misdemeanor charge, with a potential penalty of up to 6 months in prison and $1000.00 fine.** Nice job, honey. I'm sure your mother (whose car it was) will be pleased. 2. This is not a picture of my car, just a car that looks just like it. 3. When I went to make the police report the officer looked at me with these tired and cynical eyes. "A hit and run?" he said. "Did you get the license plate number?" "Hell yeah, I got the number," I said, and he brightened right up. 4. I really wonder how many car accidents have resulted from people texting while t...
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