Jessica, over at the Bookends blog, has a post about the crazy hours of an agent and she wants to know: I’m wondering if your day jobs also require you to work weekends and nights, because in my experience in publishing, as an editor and agent, it’s not an option. And if you are required to work nights and weekends in addition to 9 to 5, how do you possibly find time to write on top of that? HAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm not laughing at Jessica's question; I'm laughing at the thought that a lawyer might work 9 to 5. Sure, I know some lawyers do it, but you know what they call those lawyers? PART-TIME. I'm not even kidding. When I worked at a law firm, my standard work week was 10 hours a day, Monday through Friday, plus at least half a day on Saturdays. And that didn't count any important work that came up on weekends or evenings or big projects that were going on. For example, one month we had a major case going on and I worked almost 320 hours that month. Working 9 to 5...
Jay Montville's Blog