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Showing posts from October 13, 2008

On Access

A lot of authors and agents and editors nowadays have an online presence. (See, e.g., the whole list of links to my right. And that's only scratching the surface.) And it's pretty much conventional wisdom now that, once you sell a book, you should set up a website, and update it regularly, and perhaps even get a blog. But Patrice Michelle over at Fangs, Fur, and Fey has a good question : as an author, how online should you be? Theoretically, at least, every minute I spend updating this blog, or my facebook page, or my myspace page, or twittering is a minute I'm not spending working one my current magnum opus (of course, if you look at my last entry, there's a whole lot of minutes I'm spending not doing that already). And JA Konrath says that, for him, it's important to be where the people are . And if you look at the list of links in that post, I think you'll agree that there aren't many places he isn't. But I disagree with him, and here's w...