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Showing posts from January 19, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

I do try to stay away from the political here, but this day could not have come fast enough for me. Yay, Country! Good job! I leave you with this: Virginia, I have just one word for you, just one word. Tomorrow. Tomorrow. ... Tomorrow you can turn the page on policies that put greed and irresponsibility before hard work and sacrifice. Tomorrow you can choose policies that invest in our middle class, create new jobs and grow this economy so that everybody has a chance to succeed. Not just the CEO but the secretary and the janitor; not just the factory owner but the men and women who work the factory floor. Tomorrow you can put an end to the politics that would divide a nation just to win an election; that puts reason against reason, and city against town, Republican against Democrat; that asks us to fear at a time when we ne...

Monday Miscellany

1. Okay, Winter, seriously, enough with the snowing . We GET IT. Now, please stop. 2. I read three books this weekend (short ones). Two were Really Good, and of those two, one may make a future appearance on Jay Loves A Book. One was...okay. Do you ever get the feeling that some books are considered good just because they were the first ones of their kind? Yeah, that's sort of the feeling I got about this book. 3. Speaking of books,* I find it hard to suspend my disbelief in a YA book when there is no mention of parents whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, I don't think parents need to play a very big role in a YA book, just that they need to exist. When a protag lives at home, then there needs to be a modicum of parental interaction. Just a little. Just enough to ground the book in reality. Otherwise, it's teenage fantasy-land and I find the rest of the story hard to buy. 4. ABC Family makes the cheesiest sequels to movies ever (The Cutting Edge THREE? Anoth...