I read this article recently, in the Sydney Morning Herald* about the phenomenon of oversharing, both in the celebrity world and the private world. I have to say that I'm fascinated by the phenomenon, particularly as it relates to non-celebrities. I understand how famous people, especially young ones, can get caught up in revealing too much about themselves by the press machine and then find it hard to go back.** But I don't understand why regular people do it. Maybe, if you grew up in the Facebook era and you might reveal too much about yourself before you thought about it. I can see that. What people think is appropriate is influenced, heavily, by their environment. Like, when I watch The Wire , I start swearing too much. And if I were a teenager nowadays and everyone else had Facebook and MySpace pages and were talking about their sex lives and personal habits on them, I might think it was okay to do that. (It's not, by the way. Friends don't let friends ove...
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