1. I try to keep it PG around here, but sometimes things are too funny to ignore, even if they aren't exactly child-friendly. To that end, I bring you F### You, Penguin , a site with a LOT of swearing...and cute pictures of animals. The language is not appropriate for children, but hey, welcome to the internet! Here's a sample of the site, with the swearing hashed out (this follows a cute picture of an elephant poking its trunk at the camera): What's that, Elephant? You have a large trunk? I had no idea, because it's not like you are putting it DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY F###ING FACE. You know, I'm pretty tall, too. I can reach the top shelf in my kitchen. I also spray water out of my nose to bathe myself practically every day . So please, stop pretending that just because you can do math and recognize your buddies you should get a f###ing Presidential Medal of Honor. Hey, there's Jim, with four other friends whom I recognize, which makes five people total...
Jay Montville's Blog