I am a very opinionated person. Very. VERY. Like, super a lot opinionated. So, naturally, when I read a book, I have opinions about it. I like it, or I love it, or I hate it, or there are just these certain parts where I would have done it differently. And, since this blog is about writing, I want to talk about those opinions here. But I can't. See, I'm not a published author. And it's just my luck that the agent I want to represent me when I'm ready to be represented, will also be the agent for what's-her-name, who wrote that book about that thing that I thought totally SUCKED and I wrote about that suckitude at great length here. And so then, when I send my pages to this agent, she will come to this blog and see that I slammed her wildly popular client and, even though I am right in my criticisms (hey, it's my hypothetical, I can be right if I want to), she cannot in good conscience offer to represent me, what with my shooting off of my big mouth and ...
Jay Montville's Blog