In line with my previous post about disaster movies , I am also a huge fan of things about zombies. It started when I first saw Night of the Living Dead, the original black and white one, on television when I was a kid and it scared the living crap out of me. It was so ... real and bleak and terrifying. I immediately fell in love with it. You see, zombies are my version of Mexican food. You know how some people can't eat Mexican food because it gives them gas and heartburn and generally makes them miserable? And you know how those people still eat Mexican food anyway, because Mexican food is delicious and cannot be resisted? That's me and zombie movies (except for the gas - although that would be an interesting effect). I mean that zombie movies give me nightmares, actual terrifying nightmares, and make me scared to go into the dark basement, and, after reading World War Z , a book about the (fictional) Zombie War, I had to go out and buy a crowbar, because I didn't...
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