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Showing posts from November 11, 2009

Workin' On It Wednesday #35 -- On Names Part Two: The Namening

Jay's Nanowrimo Word Count: I talked about my predeliction for boys with girl names here , but a little while back, Fangs, Fur & Fey had a discussion about how the members of the board name their characters, and the comments section is chock full of good ideas.* Also, I didn't talk about how I name my characters in that last post, just about how I want to name them.** It's a pretty short tale, actually: my characters come with names. In other words, when I start to get to know a main character, a name, or a set of possible names, just occurs to me. I don't go looking for alternatives until or unless there's a problem with the original name (see the aforementioned "girl name" controversy). Last names are harder, but also, in a perverse way, easier, because you can just flip open a phone book and find a billion of them.*** Secondary characters take a little more work because I don't often know them very well when they first show up.**** Some of th...