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Showing posts from April 13, 2009

Monday Miscellany

1. I am suddenly and inexplicably in love with baseball. I don't know. I don't even really like sports, but suddenly baseball is the cute new kid who sits behind me in a homeroom. Maybe I'll pass him a note and see if he likes me back. 1.5 However, I am baseball's Typhoid Mary. No matter what team I root for, no matter what reason, that team loses. I wonder if I could sell these services to Cubs fans... 2. I really enjoyed the first episode of Southland (which I admit I only watched because it has Benjamin McCarthy in it). The promos made it look like a typical cop show, but it was really better than that, so I was pleasantly surprised. 3. I am at the stage in marathon training (I'm just walking a half-marathon, not the whole thing) where my dog can no longer come with me because she gets tired and wants to go home early. Of course, she can still kick my ass in the 40 yard dash, so I suppose it equals out. 4. A mouse lives in my kitchen. A wily wily mouse ...