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Showing posts from July 7, 2008

Jay Has A Rule #1: Be Nice To The Receptionist

In the course of reading my blogroll over the holiday weekend, I came across this post from MoonRat over at Editorial Ass. You should really read it, but the long and the short of it is that some author shot himself in the foot by suggesting, repeatedly and vociferously, that Someone More Important Than MoonRat should be looking at his book. Whoops. Which leads me to the first rule in my occasional series Jay Has a Rule. Rule One : Be Nice To The Receptionist. In my Real Life, I'm a lawyer. For those of you who haven't had the personal pleasure of knowing a lawyer, the legal profession has more than its fair share of Jerks Who Think They Are More Important Than You. The guy who cuts you off on the highway? The woman who screams at the server when she gets ice in her drink and she " specifically said no ice! "? The man who gives you a dirty look when he bumps into you on the sidewalk because he's yapping on his phone? I bet you ten bucks two out of three