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Showing posts from March 1, 2010

Monday Miscellany

1. This weekend, I was getting dressed to go out and run some errands and suddenly I thought of the first lines for one of my dormant projects. I don't know why that thought came to me then -- there wasn't anything that triggered it that I can recall -- but it did, and I didn't want to lose it, so I stopped what I was doing and wrote it down. One thing I've learned is that when something comes to you, don't argue with it. Some times ( a lot of the time ) writing is work, so when it's not, you gotta take advantage of it. 2. Okay, I get it, February isn't spring time in Ohio. There's no need to dump seven metric tons of snow into my driveway in order to prove it to me. sigh. 3. Isn't March spring, though? 4. I recent saw Victor/Victoria again on television and that is an awesome movie! It doesn't have much of a plot, really, or at least not one that's resolved by the end, but it does have several song and dance numbers by Julie Andrew...