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Showing posts from July 15, 2009

Workin' On It Wednesday #23 - First Lines

I'm on vacation, but I've seen the First Lines meme around and thought I would include some of the lines from the things I've got in progress at the moment. All of these are in some stage of drafting or revision, so these lines could change at any time. From the story at the top of my mind: No one really knows what happened to Alan Biggs, whether he slipped and fell into the quarry, or whether he jumped, or whether someone pushed him. From the TNP (Totally New Project, which isn't actually New anymore, but that's what I've called it from it's inception): It wasn’t my idea to go see Morrissey; it was my mother's. From Electric Boogaloo (the sequel to The Book): Football was exactly as boring as I thought it would be. From the SENP (Super Exciting New Project): Brandy Summers was by far the prettiest girl in school and she damn well knew it. From my TRP (Totally Random Project): The angels all died long ago. I have a number of thoughts about first lin...