Nanowrimo Word Count: 9665 In lieu of an actual post during this, the Month of Insanity, I give you the ABCs of Me meme, stolen from Steph Bowe of Hey, Teenager of the Year . Available or in a Relationship: Available. In theory. I don't even know you. Best Friend: V, Queen of Customer Service. Cake or Pie: A close one, but I'd have to say cake. Drink of Choice: Coke Zero. If we're including alcohol, then a margarita is always a party in my mouth. Essential Item For Every Day Use: Pen Favorite Color: Blue Google?: Hell yeah! Hometown: Waukesha, Wisconsin Indulgences: I'm ashamed to admit it because it sounds like a stereotype, but shoes. ::hangs head:: January or February: February. It's closer to spring. Kids and Their Names: No, but if I had kids, I'm sure I would have named them at some point. Life is Incomplete Without: you, dear. Or stories. Yeah, I'm gonna go with stories. Marriage Date: Should you take a date to your wedding? I tho...
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