Just a couple of things I've been thinking about while watching television this afternoon: 1. Considering the company's not-so-distant history, is it really wise for Volkswagen to use a VW bug with a German accent as a spokescar? Really? 2. Why does Dell want us to think that the main use of its digital photo tool on its computers is to photoshop out your ex-girlfriend? As a woman, am I supposed to assume that guys who have Dells are all jackholes who can't commit? 'Cause I didn't before, but now I sort of do. 3. Amy Adams' performance in Junebug? Stellar. I loved her in Enchanted (no, really --that's a cute movie!), but I hadn't seen Junebug until today and it's good, but she's Really Good in it. 4. The Bridge is the most haunting and the most beautiful documentary I have ever seen. 5. My dog is the Cutest Dog Ever. 6. I wish I had a bike. I tried to walk to the library the other day and I actually got there, but it was Really Far. ...
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