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Showing posts from September 20, 2008


I couldn't blog about this until I got the all clear from my AGENT, but on Friday I accepted an offer of representation from Ted Malawer, of Firebrand Literary. The website is being revamped right now, but this is my AGENCY. Let the squeeing begin! Okay, let the squeeing stop now--there's only so much of that I can listen to. For any of you six readers who aren't already represented by an agent, and who want to be, this is how it happened: 1. I wrote a book. 2. I rewrote the book seven squillion times. 3. I wrote a query letter. 4. I rewrote the query letter EIGHT squillion times. 5. I looked at about a billion blogs and websites and books trying to decide which agents to send my query letter to. 6. I bought #9 and #10 envelopes... 7. ...and then ended up doing most of my querying online. 8. After submitting to agents, I waited and tried not to check my email every 10 minutes... 9. ...and failed. 10. I sent out partials, and fulls, and more queries, until fina...