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Showing posts from August 13, 2008

Most. Favorite. Person. EVER.

I've been a regular reader of Lynn Viehl's blog for almost a year now. She's an (incredibly) prolific Sci Fi/Fantasy writer with a zillion novels out (you know, approximately). She's also a really generous author--she spends a lot of time talking about her process, and the publishing business, and most recently ran the Left Behind and Loving It blog workshops for people who didn't go to the RWA con. Seriously, her blog is an invaluable resource for writers looking for a pragmatic, yet encouraging, voice about publishing. She also gives away a TON of stuff. She's always offering prizes for things, which is awesome. Recently, I won a "goodie bag" for commenting on a post (that's all I had to do--comment), and it just arrived in the mail. "Goodie Bag." That's an interesting phrase, right? Suggests something cute and delicious, but not too filling. Like, I knew there would be a couple of books in it, and I thought, like, a coffee...