Gacked from a guest post by Rachel Simon over at Hey, Teenager of the Year! These are my top 5 YA literary crushes: 5. Quentin Compson. The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom by William Faulkner. Okay, so this is cheating a little bit because neither The Sound and the Fury nor Absalom, Absalom are really YA books, like, at all. Like not even in the way that you might say Catcher in the Rye is a YA book. But I can't help it. I love Quentin Compson. Is he screwed up? YES. Is he ultimately not a very heroic character? YES. Do I love him enough to put up with William Faulkner, who I actually can't stand as an author? God help me, yes. When I say I am character driven, this is what I mean -- I will read William Faulkner in order to be close to Quentin Compson. That, my friends, is dedication. 4. Matt Perino. Twenty Boy Summer , by Sarah Ockler . Matt Perino is not on this list because Sarah Ockler is a cool person (although she is), or because she, too, is...
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