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Showing posts from October 16, 2009

Creativity and Craft

This last week on his blog, Nathan Bransford asked which is more important, creativity or craft? I'm not sure exactly what the distinction between the two is -- does "creativity" include experimentation with format or language a la Joyce, for example, or does it merely refer to ideas? -- but I have to say that I'm probably a craft person myself. Like, if you forced me to chose one over the other, I would pick the writer who is a strong writer over the one who has super original ideas.* I'm not exactly sure why I would make that choice, but I'm certain that I would. Maybe it's because I spent so many years studying English and so don't put a premium on "new" ideas (because they're mostly not actually new).** Maybe it's because I don't look for "ideas" in my stories, either the ones I read or the ones I write. I don't respond to the ideas of the story, I respond to the execution of the ideas. It's why I can rea...