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Showing posts from January 12, 2009

Monday Miscellany

1. Remember how I was mentioning that there was no snow here in Northern Ohio in December? Yeah, um, whoops , because this weekend I shoveled my driveway five times . FIVE. I'm a good Wisconsin girl, and I'm not above a little shoveling, but five times? RIDIC . 2. When I was in Wisconsin over the holidays, I went on a walk one night and was reminded how nice it was that there was a city ordinance that requires everyone to shovel their sidewalks. Seriously, it was great to be able to walk around the neighborhood without tromping through two feet of snow. So now I'm shoveling my own walk, even though there's no ordinance in my city that requires it and no one else does.* Thanks, Wisconsin; you make me want to be a better person. 3. I may be going roller skating this coming week. While I used to be good at roller skating, I'm pretty sure that skill has abandoned me. If I don't post for a while after that, you'll know that I fell down and broke somet...