I used to be awesome at titles. For real. My fan fiction has awesome titles, catchy and intriguing and epic in scope. That has changed recently. I don't know what's up with me, but right now my titles are boring and descriptive. Agent Ted and I are agonizing* over what to call The Book. And my Next Book is titled something so boring I can't even bring myself to type it here for fear that you might fall asleep just reading it. And there are so many good titles on the market, recently.** The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Dead and the Gone, The Forest of Hands and Teeth, Winter Girls, Don't Judge A Girl By Her Cover, Shiver, ...I could go on and on and on. We're having a real title renaissance at the moment, I think, and, as a result, I'm having a bit of title jealousy. Jane, over at Dystel and Goderich, had a recent post about titles, and so did Eric over at Pimp My Novel . Neither of these posts have fixed my title malaise (yet!), but they're a goo...
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