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Showing posts from January 5, 2009

Monday Miscellany (the Back-to-Work edition)

1. Dear Charmin - You know what will not sell your toilet paper? Cartoons of bear butts with little pieces of toilet paper stuck all over them. I appreciate the particular feature of your product you're trying to sell, there, but that image is too gross even in cartoon form to get me to do anything but change the channel.* 2. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: The Wire is a really good show. Like, unbelievably good. If it were a different kind of show, it would be better than My So-Called Life , but it's not, so it's not. That's right, you heard it here first: The Wire is almost as good as My So-Called Life.** 3. Today I had to do a list of projects that I'm working on for Agent Ted (we're getting ready to start submitting The Book, so he wanted to see what I'm up to w/r/t future projects). I really only focus on one project at a time, but I have little fledgling ideas waiting their turn in line. But actually seeing the line, see...