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Monday Miscellany

1. I have too many pairs of shoes. I don't know why I didn't realize this before, but somehow it just occurred to me. Note to self: STOP BUYING SHOES. You already have some!

2. I think that by the time we've reached February, we have had quite enough winter already and it's time for it to be over. Some people may not agree with me (people who like skiing, for example), but they would be wrong. As a result, I'm just going to start pretending that it's no longer winter. It's spring, now. Just a very cold, snowy spring.*

3. I saw Precious this weekend, There were a lot of problems on the story level with that movie, but Gabourey Sidibe and Mo'nique deserve the Oscars for that one, seriously. I've always liked Mo'nique--she's hilarious--but until now I didn't know she could act. And she can, man. And Gabourey? Talent oozing out of her pores! And if you've seen her in the movie and then seen her interviews, you realize that she's really an actress. She's not at all like the character of Precious, but she's so real in the role that you sort of can't believe it's the same person.

4. Speaking of movies, I've been remiss in my movie seeing this year, so I have to do a lot of catching up to be ready for the Oscar pool. Maybe I'll see a bunch this week and get caught up.**

5. Gap changed the cuts of their jeans so that the size of my pants has gone up TWO SIZES, even though my butt has not gotten two sizes bigger. That is truly annoying. I loved their old cuts. Oh Gap, why hast thou forsaken me?

6. Things I don't care about on The West Wing at the moment:
(a) Toby's crazy pursuit of his ex-wife. I know it's supposed to be romantic, but Toby's single-minded pursuit of a woman who has said, repeatedly, that she does not want to marry him again strikes me as messed up at the least and stalkerish and scary at the worst.
(b) Who they're going to pick as vice president. This subplot has been drawn out way too long, and really I could not care.
(c) Anything about Josh's love life. Of all the messed up men on the show (and that's sort of the forte of The West Wing, screwed up men), Josh is the worst. His treatment of Donna is reprehensible, his banter with the other women he likes or dates is sexist and, sometimes, misogynistic, and he's not good looking enough to pull the kind of crap he pulls and get away with it.

The show's on thin ice with me, as you can see.


* Not that this is different from any other spring in Ohio, really. :)

** I have to say, though, that there are some movies that are nominated that I'm not seeing. Avatar, for one. A Serious Man for another. Inglourious Basterds, for a third. I don't care enough about the Oscar pool to subject myself to movies that I'm pretty sure I won't like or care about. It's not like there's real money on the line.


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Monday Miscellany

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